StarGejt Duty Call for Team 8.5 The first Czech fanfilm (parody) based on the TV series Stargate SG-1 made by a group of the Czech fans. Let´s see a bold adventure full of action and sharp humour. Universe is once again in danger when a powerful and evil Goa'uld Hammucrappy 1st. searches for an endless power source. Within his grasp this means a certain doom for all mankind. The last hope is an elite team SG-8.5 led by an experienced fighter and commander Colonel Yonatan "Jack" Jones. The other team members are: astrophysicist, mathematician and by coincidence a very bright and clever Major - Samantha Carter, archeologist and occasional ancient-worshipper Daniel Skywalker and a silent but brave Blaffa warrior Teal'f. But do they manage to catch the slimy System lord before he unleashes a huge diplomatic crisis possibly leading to the World War III on Earth? "So es wird ein Vejvar sein!" Deutsche SG Zeitung "Turpakäräjiin!" Finnish magazine aimed to Stargate